Simple storage solutions

Spring storage

Despite the weather we're experiencing at the moment I've still got everything crossed that spring is around the corner. The phrase "spring clean" always feels more associated with supermarkets as they market the latest household cleaning products but for me a spring clean goes beyond the "cleaning" and often focuses on a refresh of the home and living.

With a small family it can sometimes feel like things can rapidly accumulate. Clothes, toys, shoes they seem to grow out of every other month. Our first home was a pocket size two-bed terrace, and part of the reason to move was because we'd grown out of space. Now in a four-bed we're still feeling the squeeze and so for me it's about having a Stacey Solomon "sort your life out" moment rather than saving to buy more space.

No matter the size of your home there are always ways to make space, whether it's a spot of decluttering or simple storage solutions that can be both aesthetically pleasing and practical.

Top tips for a spring clean in your home

1. Out with the old

If you haven't worn something in over a year, will you again? Try placing your hangers all the same way in your wardrobe. When you've worn the item put it back with the hanger the other way. You'll quickly start to see those go-to favourites and will gradually build a pile for removing. I'm a huge fan of Vinted for selling on pre-worn items, it's so simple to do and the money can be reinvested into the home or saved for a rainy day.

2. Helpful storage

I don't know about you but there's always a pile of bits and pieces in the kitchen; letters, keys, "stuff to go back upstairs" it can test my patience! However sometimes it's not about fighting the clutter but giving it a rightful home. Our faux leather storage boxes are an ideal solution for hiding those smaller bits away. Stacking boxes are also perfect for when space is limited.

3. Storage units with dual purposes

Everything should have a place in the home. I'm a big fan of organisation. It can make things easier to find and help the day run more smoothly, avoiding that last minute panic as you try to remember where you last had your keys, or the little ones goggles for swimming. Whether it be media units that double up as you storage or coffee tables that you could add wicker baskets to underneath, think about the pieces you already have in your home and how you can repurpose them into simple storage solutions to move that feeling of chaos to organised.

I'm writing this blog as it's pouring with rain outside and wishing for spring to pop it's head up sooner rather than later. In the meantime, I'm back to decluttering, cleaning with my new tulip Zoflora and tackling my storage!
